The Treatise De vita contemplativa: Theoretical Life (βίος θεωρητικός), According to Philon of Alexandria

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Diego Andrés Cardoso Bueno


The question, so dear to the Greco-Roman world, of the forms of life is developed by Philo of Alexandria in various treatises, in which he approaches and defines the different typology in which man can face existence in different ways. One of them, perhaps the most sublime for many philosophical schools, was the concept of theoretical or contemplative life, which is examined by this Jewish philosopher in a special way in his work De vita contemplativa, where to analyze it he uses the case of a singular community of wise ascetics, the Therapeutae, who live in a curious town scattered on the outskirts of Alexandria, next to Lake Mareotis.


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Cardoso Bueno, D. A. (2024). The Treatise De vita contemplativa: Theoretical Life (βίος θεωρητικός), According to Philon of Alexandria. Synthesis, 30(2), e139.


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